Monday, May 17, 2010

Do you know why I keep this thing going? Because I have a huge following in South Dakota.

Got into it with senior citizen this morning because I was making fun of Sarah Palin. Drill Baby Drill!Drill Baby DrillDrill Baby DrillDrill Baby DrillDrill Baby DrillDrill Baby DrillDrill Baby Drill! If you're so GD appalled by this oil spill then use your car less. Not you bike idiots! You're doing a helluva job.

I showed someone my bib shorts I had on under my basketball shorts and they told me they didn't need to see that. Correct me if I'm wrong but I see quite a few women with larger posteriors in spandex that isn't covered by basketball shorts.

Sassy is progressing nicely and is settling into our family life. I don't know if she is extending Snowy Bear's life of shortening it. No, she's keeping Snowy Bear fresh.

Yeah, it's Monday. I've been there. You see what they make you give.