Saturday, February 21, 2009

Here's your GD snow! Now get your ass out skiing!

Yeah, it snowed. Get over it. It's not April 21st, it's February 21st. Hopefully my shoveler will come by later today. The City's management staff is a little put out that they can't make me shit myself over the possibility of being laid off. Like I keep saying...On December 6, 2008 at 11:25 am I held my loving mother's hand when she said good bye to this life. There ain't shit these bitches at the City can do to me that comes close to that moment. Fuck them and their top secret bullshit.


ATTW said...

Like I said, the second hardest thing you will ever do...

Bloodclot said...

And on March 21st, you'll see the 2009 installment of the Slick 50. Are you listening, Rosenberg?

moonshiner said...

fine...the team will make itself known...grumpy all the way