The neighbors were gather around the pole when I took the ladies for their morning constitutional. A bunch of kids in a Honda hit the pole and then drove away in their leaky radiator piece of shit. They need to be in school where strong men like Mr Tuffy keep them in line.
Mal/EncPK-JY and Mal/ObfJS-M come back every day and Webroot Internet Security only removes it for a while. As of 51 minutes ago I fired the IT Department except for the Poofter who couldn't handle such harsh treatment.
Someone picked up the Chicago Sun Times on a recent business trip. Let's just say he moved up a couple of spots in the will.
Dear diary, I did the dishes.
I like the dancing part of Dancing With The Stars. I just hate the judges and the fluff interviews.
Time for a snicky-snack.
'this shit writes itself'...truer words have never been spoken
Try these for your malware.....
If they don't fix it, mail me your hard drive and I'll fix it for you.
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