Monday, November 9, 2009

Little Debbie is all groweds up

The Bears got the piss pounded out of them again but Cutler threw the ball 47 times so I'm happy.

Mrs birthday celebration continues today with breakfast at Keys on Raymond and the Como Park Zoo. Photos of animal erections to follow.

I really want to start posting more photos (besides the animal stuff) of the neighborhood for my Chicago family. Someday, I'll position myself on 42nd Street to photograph some of the bike traffic. Don't look at the camera.

Thanks to the Donut Guy for the malware removal program. It sure did the trick.

I have a professional football player following me on Twitter which confuses me a little. He's only following like 150 people. Hmmmm...

Get to work.


Snakebite said...

Happy Birthday to the Mrs!!!

I could use a malware removal program.

andrew rosenberg said...

take a picture everyday at 8 am of 42nd str. still have some of those cuban cigars