I ran home to pick Debbie and eat something. Mother gets morphine every 4 hours. The hospice people make me sadder when they visit. You boys don't ever worry about ending up like this. There are probably 200 residents at Heritage Of Edina and about 10 of them are men. But there's only 1 Bruce.
My dad (who just moved into assisted living) jokes he's waiting his entire life to be somewhere where women outnumber men 2 to 1. And now, he says, he's too old to do anything about it.
I'm sorry, Ray, and I'm thinking of you. It sucks to see a parent in such a place. Your mom knows you're there and appreciates every second and ounce of strength. Take some time to breath and eat a doughnut. They help, really. :)
- Meagan (from Freewheel)
So-she's at Heritage? That's very close to me....there must be something I can do! I can bring you food or something!!
just make sure you make the treats heart healthy; high fiber and low-fat, plenty of complex carbohydrates and balance carb, protiens ...etc.
Okay-I'm gonna' have to conspire......does anyone know what Raymond (and Deb) like to eat? And any dietary restrictions??? I'm gonna' stalk him until I achieve my goal!!!
I think Ray likes pastry.
the ladies always like salads, my wife likes blue cheese dressing from lunds.
Hi Ray,
Just sayin' "hi." As your other readers have said, Ma knows you are there and i just hope she is comfortable.
Take care of yourself and Debbie. Let the poochs help as well. They have lots of love to give if we will only accept it:)
Hope the knee is ok too. No sliding on the ice, ok? that is a sure avenue to busted knee caps!
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