Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Edition

Did it really snow in Chicago recently? I couldn't find a photo of a garbage truck with a plow on it.

Tuffy, that Cowboy's jersey is a little "snug". I'll need to forget where the bakeries are if I want to fit in it. Still, it's a really cool jersey.

Don't make an ass of yourself at family gatherings this Christmas. Don't put people on the spot about their relationships, jobs or their never-ending pursuit of a college degree. Don't talk politics or religion. And don't ask anyone about their weight or I'll come out of the woodwork with a f-ing shovel. You can always talk about the weather or my jersey collection.

Remember, don't be shy, take that last piece of pie even if you've already had a large slice.


moonshiner said...

ain't make an ass out of yourself if ya ain't goin'..i really do have a cold and would like to know how i can make sure i get one next year too...

Jim Thill said...

This is good advice.

moonshiner said...

i believe i have a fan , meet me at the lake harriet bandshell at 9:45pm december 26th, i'll introduce you the outlaws