Saturday, January 31, 2009

For Hurl


Snakebite said...

Is it just me or isn't a person supposed to be riding the bike?

All The Way Ray said...

Cyclocross my good man...cyclocross

Skibby said...

is that a fat chick with a man face?

All The Way Ray said...

You fuckers just gotta get him going, don't you.

bloodline said...

i was just looking at that photo yesterday....but i'm not gonna get on a trainer to fix 'it' anytime soon... the tights are always a bad idea, and that is the point after all...oh, and BTW, skibby you are looking a little chubby yrself...i hope you got out today...

Skibby said...

i got out today, I"m actually 7 pounds lighter than I was during cross season, I'm just big boned!

SickBoy said...

At least Skibby can avoid getting lapped by six year old girls on BMX bikes.