I've driven the lovely Mrs to work every day this week except Monday when she called in sick because you can only stand so much of 33 year old women swooning about f-ing Twilight. Don't worry, Dennis Leary has my back on this.
Mailman vigil has been going since Wednesday. Baltimore Orioles road jersey on its way.
I may ride a bike to the end of the alley and back today.
If you see an automobile with a bike carrying device on it, then stay well clear of these individuals when you are on your little bicycle.
I will miss the Christmas cookie season at the City Of Richfield. But not that much homeboy.
The white Banjo Brothers backpack will sell like hotcakes (hmmm blueberry) when it hits the market in 2010.
Kiah the protector is lying next to me as I type this bullshit. Life is good.
I'm partial to those Russian tea cookies. Have a solid weekend. See you in church.
Russian tea cookies huh?? I'm ON it!!
mexican wedding cookies, pavlova's, simple recipe i'll see if i got the recipe
Dude. I broke a chain on a ride once and I stopped counted how many vehicles with bike racks passed me without offering help when I got to ten. I was doing my little penguin walk down the road with my cleated shoes - obviously not for the hell of it.
Fuckers. I bitched to my husband about it for weeks.
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