Monday, March 2, 2009


In the end it was sad to pack up my shit and leave. I was summoned to City Hall about 10 o'clock and got the news from my boss, his boss and one of my buddies from the HR Department. I'm glad she was there. She sent me a card when Ma died. I told them to cut the bullshit and get to the point. I also took a phone call from Rosenberg. Honestly Hurl...

I rode my bike home and went back with the car and several trash bags for all the clothes and hats and crap and left about the same time the boys left at 3:30.

The forester has left the building. Props to my homeboy Duane who left right from City Hall and abandoned all of his personal shit. That was a bold move.

It's only sad that I won't see the boys on a daily basis. I sure won't miss the paperwork.

Smithers, I choose the gas station at 56th and Xerxes as my lunch spot.


fatguytriing said...

Free at last, free at last. Thank RAY ALMIGHTY FREE AT LAST!!!

Piss on 'em! They lost the best thing after Officer Ed Gabrysh retired (he kept me off the streets of Richfield when I was being trouble!)

You're gonna be fine, I have no doubt about that Ray, and I am going to be moving to the Uptown neighborhood soon, so we will have to meet up and raise hell finally!

As I end ever day here at work I will say this for you "Fuck this place, I'm outta here!"

Christopher Smith said...

Let me know when you are ready to split that pack of mini powdered donuts.

Ben said...


GoBigGreen said...

Sorry. I hope this gives you some time to train, walk the dogs and train. TRain some more. HA or maybe find the best donut in mpls.

bloodline said...

your team is prepared....

Dan Cleary said...

i'd offer to have you climb cell towers but you'd probably punch me in the gob!

sorry about the news. if smithers has the powdered covered, i can certainly split the chocolate ones.

Meow said...

Hey that's right in my 'hood Ray!! I should meet you two there and buy you a pack of Rolos!!

Erin said...

I think this is your chance to secure a spot on the Rock Racing roster.

brother yam said...

They wouldn't let him on Rock Racing:
- he has better bikes
- he's cooler than the the King of Pants

TOMMY GUN said...

Rosenberg is the Michael Ball of local cycling...

Skibby said...

donimater is the Michael Ball of local racing. Big Daddy, hoop dreams in a month or two....

Jim Thill said...

This is just the kick in the pants you need to finish your memoirs.

jim w said...

I know this is way selfish, but I'll miss running into you on the way home from work.

If i were you, I'd buy some orange spray pant and do some creative thinning.

Anonymous said...

So does cross training begin today?

All The Way Ray said...

Thanks for all the funny stuff and warm wishes. You know I love you guys. I get to ride my bike more and enjoy life for a while. I'm training for huge comeback for this cross season.

Snakebite said...

On the bright side, if you did go to work for Hurl, at least you'd know if your coffee cup was clean and not used for a parts soaking container.

Hang in there, bro. We're all pulling for you.

Bill Connell said...

Hurry up and find a time-consuming hobby or something so the rest of us have a chance come 'cross season. Take care, man.

Anonymous said...

Raymond, Sorry to hear the news.