Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This is dedicated to the shitbird in the Audi who came within 8 or 10 inches of me by the hospital this morning. Soon, you will be inching home on snowy roads in rush hour traffic while Miss Debbie has a 20 minute commute on her little bicycle.


ha1ku said...

egad ...snow?!?

rdanneker said...

Was that June, or July?

moonshiner said...

i was informed today that a bus driver once spent 3 hours between tracy ave and xerxes on 62 during a snowstorm last year..... cars/buses/trucks suck in the snow

The Donut Guy said...

I love your humor....I'm working on Sunday-I won't be in church:-)

pooman said...

I love watching car stuck in traffic when Im passing them on my bike