Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Then a big ol' basket it will be

Rain ride to CRC went swimmingly. You bet your ass that's a Banjo Brothers commuter backpack. I had my lock, 3 pairs of dry socks, 4 stocking hats, 2 pairs of gloves, a camera, cell phone, $11, a jacket, muffler off a "68 Buick Riviera and 10 foot party sub in my backpack. bully for that MF.


andrew rosenberg said...

now if you get a paper route you'll be set...

All The Way Ray said...

Paper route? Storm doors will be hurtin' in South Minneapolis.

andrew rosenberg said...

i'll work the side game in window replacement, it'll be like the time i worked 'board up' for an arsonist.

true story; when my apt burned down in chicago, before the fire was out there were 4-5 different 'companies' working my landlord for the contract to put plywood over the windows. it was comical if it wasn't so tragic